Agile Project Plan Template Excel

If you need an efficient tool to manage and plan your project then your search is about to over. As we are discussing an amazing tool here for project handling and planning. In this article, you can download Agile Project Plan Template Excel easily with project portfolio bundle.

Project planning is a tricky and time-consuming job, but if you have a proper planning tool on hand things can get simple and much straightforward to work with. In project management life-cycle, agile process is necessary for project development.


As these tools arrange an organise the project data in a manageable form and make it easy to handle the different task efficiently. Therefore, there are many tools available to do the job, one of them is Agile Project plan Templates. These are easy, effective and user-friendly tools for project planning and management.

Here in this piece of writing we will be discussing Agile project planning and how it works. We will also be looking into the process this tool for managing the project.

What is Agile Project Management Template?

Agile project management is a smart and innovative methodology for project planning. It is a way of delivering bigger and better outcome in given time. This is flexible and interactive way of dealing with the project processes.

Agile methodology not only plan but also keeps other things like scope and timely completion under consideration. This a broader way of dealing and organising the project and is also very helpful in many aspects. It also introduces useful and productive project planning techniques to help the project management dealing with the project overall.

Agile Project Planning

The Agile project management tools provides a systematic-framework to plan and deal with the project. This approach also help you deal with the issues in the project managing and planning.

And by using this information you can easily handle the issue by making necessary changes in the process. It also aids in gaining customer and stakeholders satisfaction which is very important aspect in project success. Moreover, the agile way is the most useful, productive and professional way of dealing and planning the project.


How to Schedule Agile Project Using Excel Template?

Scheduling of agile project is very important in planning a project. There are so many different types of steps included into it. But some of the basic ones are:

  1. Firstly, the most important part is to identify the project goals and objectives.
  2. Then find out what are the project demands and need.
  3. After that the dependencies of the tasks onto each other cannot be overlooked. So, determine the dependencies of project tasks carefully on each level.
  4. Then find out the task which are more important and needs special attention.
  5. The next one is for budget, you must plan and schedule budget so the project does not face the problems like over budgeting.
  6. Lastly collect everything at one place and finalise the plan. And make sure it works properly after getting applied by doing time to time checking and monitoring.

Useful Agile Project Plan Template Excel

Agile process is divided into different stages and there are also individual templates available for each stage of Agile process.

The agile process mainly works with three things which are scrums, sprints and graphical charts.Following are some beneficial Agile Development and Planning Templates for each phase:

  1. Agile Initiation Template

Agile initiation template is one of the initial templates used in agile project planning and management. It helps to keep hold of the initial steps of the project tasks. This is the most important and tricky part of the agile methodology.

As it’s the part of beginning it answers five w which are why,who,what where and when a project should be initiated. The whole process of Agile initiation revolves through these questions and their relevant answers.

  1. Agile Planning Templates

The second step of the agile process after initiation is agile planning. In this phase the plan is crafted according to the circumstances and given data. An easy way of making the best possible plan is to use an agile planning template.

Related Template: Project Tracking Template Excel

This tool will help you tremendously in planning by keeping everything under check and firm control. As in a project thing can easily get out of hands due to bulk of work. So, to avoid any issue in planning make sure to use a template.

  1. Agile Tracking Templates

After the step of initiation and planning then comes the tracking of the implemented plan. As the plan has been executed then you can not leave the process as it is. It is necessary to keep an eye that whether the plan works effectively or is there any issue. Subsequently, after planning tracking and monitoring of the plan is very important to ensure the best performance.

That is why there is Agile Project Plan Template Excel available like agile tracking and monitoring templates. Therefore, after the plan has been executed have an agile tracking tool on hand to monitor the performance time to time.


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